Tuesday, 24 April 2018

dizzee rascal dream

dizzee's rascals music video for his song dream is quite intersting and unusaul as it does not follow the normal charecteristics of a rap video and tackles some serious issues including alxoholism and police brutality all whilst under the guise of an old school childrens program.

the video starts of with a well spoken white women asking the audience"should we see what dizzee is up to today", and this is incredibly nostalgic as this is how alot of childrens shows started in the 80's and 90's started off, dizzee then proceeds to jump out a jack in the box as the main chorus of the song which was sung by kids starts of.

dizzee begings explaing his old life before his come up and his story is illustrated using puppepts which tone down the serious aspects of his story including sexaul harrasment of the women who walk past him and his boys at the corner shop.

there is also the scene in which dizzee's two black friends are carry a tv and the police officer comes up and attacks them, the woman playing the piano looks troubled as the police hellicopters fly near her and she shows facail expressions of dismayhowever she did not intervein this is used to show how the upperclass of society turned and eye on minorities

1 comment:

  1. This is a good analysis you touch on the fact there are serious issues being represented within the music for example the objectivity of women but you could have gone into more detail about other issses


All eyes on me

All eyes on me